This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Import Tweets as WP Posts



Import Tweets as WP Posts is a simple plugin that allow you to search Tweets from the admin panel (with keywords, username or hashtag) and add them to your posts (you can choose a post type, a category).

It’s a simple way :
• to feed your WordPress website with real content in minutes
• to display curated content from Twitter on your website
• to make a live tweet event website with moderated content

How does it work ?
1. Type a request : keywords, username, hashtag
2. Fill some parameters : taxonomy to feed, post type to feed, number of results to show
3. Some template tags (%a%, %d%, etc.) are available to customize the content you add to your WordPress website
4. Choose some tweets and add them to your website or reject them

Works on every themes : it just feed an existing ressource (e.g. : Posts) with selected Twitter content.

Available in French and English.


Import Tweets as WP Posts est un plugin tout simple qui permet de chercher des tweets depuis l’administration de WordPress et de les ajouter à son site rapidement.

Quelques utilisations :
alimenter un site en quelques minutes avec du vrai contenu venant de Twitter
afficher un contenu choisi sur son site
• ** assurer un live tweet avec du contenu modéré **

Comment ça marche ?
1. Tapez une requête : mots-clé, hashtag, nom d’utilisateur
2. Réglez quelques paramètres : taxonomie à remplir, post type à remplir, nombre de tweets à afficher, etc…
3. Il est possible de customiser votre contenu ajouté avec un petit système de template (%a%, %d%, etc.)
4. Une fois votre recherche effectuée, choisissez des tweets, ajoutez-les à votre site ou rejetez ceux qui ne vous plaisent pas.

Ça fonctionne avec tous les thèmes : le plugin ajoute les tweets choisies à un type de ressources existant (ex: Articles).


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload /tweets-to-posts/ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Set up your Twitter API key in the Settings page
  4. Search for Twitter content and add it as WordPress posts from the ‘Twitter to Posts’ menu


How can I get a Twitter API key?

To use this plugin, you’ll need to create a Twitter API key. Dealing with Twitter Developers Console can be a bit confusing. Here’s how to do that:
1. Login to using your Twitter account
2. Click on ‘Create new app’
3. Set up your Twitter app
4. On your new app dashboard, click on Keys and access tokens : there you can find your Consumer Key and your Consumer Secret
5. On the bottom of this page, click on Create My access token and token secret
6. Now that you have your Consumer Key, your Consumer Secret, your Access Token and your Access Token Secret copy them into the Import Tweets as WP Posts Settings page
7. It’s done, congrats 🙂


junio 12, 2018
This is just what I have been looking for for a very long time. I use twitter to post photos and want my tweets to post on my WP site. Only one thing I’d like is to see the words of my tweets used as a title for the posts. Merci!
septiembre 3, 2016
As the developer of this plugin, I also had to use it in 2 live projects. Works well and can be customized to your needs.
Read all 2 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Import Tweets as WP Posts” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Switched to Composer, updated TwitterOAuth (


  • Fixed double plugin declaration
  • Switched file_get_contents to media_sideload_image


  • Plugin init / upload to WordPress directory