Plugin Tag: text
Easy Options Add-To-Cart Button Text per product for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)Allows you to change the text on a WooCommerce products Add To Cart button to BUY NOW. This can be selected on a per product basis.
Hackadelic Discreet Text Widget
(0 total ratings)A smarter text widget that can be used to display table of contents in the sidebar.
Powie's TextBlox
(0 total ratings)Create Textblocks and insert it into your pages using a shortcode. You can very simple update standard text
Placeholder Text
(0 total ratings)This plugin adds support for placeholder text in browsers that don't support this HTML5 feature.
Related post widget
(0 total ratings)This widget allow you display related post for single post base on current post category
Allow Comments to Old Posts
(0 total ratings)Allow comments to posts with custom field "allow_comments" even if option 'close comments to old posts' is on.
Kodio Text Widget
(0 total ratings)This plugin creates a cool, highly customisable text widget that also serves as a light weight call to action element.
Simple Alert for Old Post
(1 total ratings)This is the show alert plugin for old post. color scheme, customize icon and text.
LH Save Down
(0 total ratings)Save posts and pages in text, html, epub, or pdf attachment format. Only post content is saved all other stuff gets discarded.
Text Beautify
(0 total ratings)Cleans up posts and comments for sentence case or title case, fixes punctuation, makes quotes and commas curly, and allows custom enhancements.
JuraText-Importer für rechtstexte24
(1 total ratings)rechtstexte24, aktuelle Rechtstexte von spezialisierten Anwälten!
Ajax Scroll
(0 total ratings)Turns standard 'next' and 'previous' post links into animated AJAX scrolling.
Category and Tag Specific Widgets
(1 total ratings)Display widgets for specific categories or tags.
AutoComplete For TinyMCE
(1 total ratings)AutoComplete For TinyMCE enables word autocompletion for the Wordpress Post Editor. Use it to type Faster and Error-Free.
Livejournal Crossposter Remix
(0 total ratings)Automatically copies all posts to a LiveJournal or other LiveJournal-based blog (exclude text in shortcode [nocrosspost]smth[/nocrosspost] – buttons f …